Instructions for connecting MALL XML Feed


Product feed

The first thing to do is to build a product feed that contains all the information about the products except their availability.

Important rules

  • The order of the elements is not mandatory.
  • The feed contains mandatory elements that must always be specified with corresponding values.
    A more detailed description can be found below.
  • Any elements without a value will be evaluated by the system as an error. In case of mandatory elements it is necessary to add the value, in case of optional elements it is necessary to remove the whole element. It is also not possible to send empty elements using only the closing tag.
  • Products that are not in stock still need to be maintained in the product feed. Their display on the website is controlled by Availability feed. For more detailed information on how to deactivate the product, please refer to the article here.
  • Each category is identified by a unique ID. Categorical conditions may also include mandatory elements that must be inserted into the feed with exact values.
    You can download the category tree export together with the categorical conditions here or you can also search for a category in the MALL Partner Portal in the section Category.
    For a more detailed description of the categories, sorting parameters and their values, see the article here.
    The accuracy of the sorting conditions is not validated by the system. A product with incorrect or missing categorical conditions will not be displayed on the website. The accuracy of the display can be verified in your Sandbox account.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that the possibility of creating groups of variant products, e.g. a T-shirt in 10 colour variants and 5 sizes is required as one product group/variant product. There are 3 key elements for creating a variant product: ITEMGROUP_ID, ITEMGROUP_TITLE and VARIABLE_PARAMS. All these elements are mandatory for the creation of variant products. A more detailed description of these elements can be found below.
  • The system always checks products one element at a time until it finds an error in the product data. If it does, the product will trigger an error log entry and the system will move on to check the next product. So if you have more than 1 error in a given product, it cannot be detected the first time you load it.

Here you can download sample product feeds in .xml format.

Description of product feed elements

mandatory element
 The root element of the XML file.
It is only in the feed once.
mandatory element
 Contains information about a particular product or variation.
mandatory element
 Product ID or variant. You enter your product code here, which is then also written in the orders, for example.
Each ID must be unique. Must not be the same as ITEMGROUP_ID.
Combinations of a maximum of 50 characters, allowed characters are: _ – 0-9 a-z A-Z (underscores, hyphens, numbers zero to nine, lowercase and uppercase letters without accents).
mandatory element
 Determines whether the product is visible online. Acquires values live/draft.
In the implementation phase (TESTING) it is always necessary to send a draft value, the live value would be evaluated by the system as an error. The live value cannot be set at this stage.
Switching products to live is only done after a successful check of the appearance of the products and making all the settings. The onboarding specialist will switch your account to the final stage - PRODUCTION. You will then be informed that the products can be switched to live. The products are then made visible on the web.
The live value cannot be reverted back to the draft state. To deactivate the product, use one of the methods described here.
mandatory element for variants
 If it is a variant, this element indicates the ID of the variant group.
The ITEMGROUP_ID must be unique and must not be the same as the ID.
Combinations of a maximum of 50 characters, allowed characters are: _ – 0-9 a-z A-Z (underscores, hyphens, numbers zero to nine, lowercase and uppercase letters without accents).
mandatory element for variants
 If it is a variant, the field indicates the title of the parent product.
The value should contain the general name of the variant group without specifics of the individual variants (for example, without color, size, ...).
mandatory element
 Category identifier
It must always contain the category code according to our category tree for the relevant country where the products are implemented. Country trees may vary.
Categorical conditions may also include mandatory elements, category ID may not be enough to display the product correctly.
Always check the categorical conditions for each category.
mandatory element
 Brand Identifier
It must always contain the brand code, or BRAND ID. The brand code is not the same as the actual brand name.
You can find the brand ID in the MALL Partner Portal in the section Brands. In case your brand does not exist in our system yet, create a request for creation according to the instructions here.
mandatory element
 Product name/variants
It must not contain the brand name, because the brand is automatically added to the beginning of the title from the BRAND_ID element. The maximum length is 200 characters.
It must contain a keywords and, if it is a variant, its specification (e.g. colour). No special characters are allowed.
mandatory element
 Short product description
It must not contain formatting and HTML characters, only complete sentences.
The maximum length is 300 characters.
A short description is displayed in the product listing on the website, so it should briefly introduce the product.
mandatory element
 Long product description
It can contain basic HTML tags and the maximum length is 13000 characters.
It must contain a more detailed description of the product.
These are the basic HTML tags that can be used in a long description: <a>, <b>, <br>, <div>, <dl>, <dt>, <em>, <hr>, <i>, <img>, <li>, <ol>, <p>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <table>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <tr>, <u>, <ul>. There's no need to use custom styles in the tags, without them the text will adapt best to our pages. If you have any tables in the description, you still need to add <table class="“tbl“">to make the table responsive.
mandatory element
 Fill in the value 1 in the field.
The system automatically ranks products using an algorithm that works on the basis of the number of clicks, traffic and sales of a given product. 
This is an obsolete element that still needs to be filled in, but is not taken into account at all. 
We are currently working to remove it.
mandatory element
 It takes on values smallbox/bigbox and indicates the size of the package.
This element pairs the product with the transport, so it is important to have the correct transport established as well.
Smallbox must meet 3 conditions
– the sum of all three sides of the package up to 175 cm
– the longest side of the package max 100 cm
– package weight up to 20 kg
Bigbox is any package that does not meet the above criteria.
mandatory element
 EAN product code is mandatory. The system accepts 13 numeric characters.
If your EAN has 14 numeric characters, enter it as 13 digits without the 0 at the beginning. If you have a shorter 8-digit EAN, add as many 0's to the beginning as needed to fill the 13 characters.
mandatory element
 Product price including country-specific VAT. The price must not include commission.
mandatory element
 VAT by a whole number (e.g. 21). VAT must correspond to the tax rates applicable in the country where the products are sold.
mandatory element
 Recommended retail price
In countries outside the CZ, use a period "." as a separator.
mandatory element
 Product parameters
Only the parameters and values that are defined in our system for the category are entered here. Detailed information about the parameters for each category can be found in the section Category in the MALL Partner Portal.
mandatory element
NAMEParameter identifier
The name of the parameter must not be used, but its ID, which is in English (e.g. COLOR).
mandatory element
VALUEParameter value, which must always be in the local language and in precisely defined wording (e.g. "red").
mandatory element for variants
 Indicates the parameters on the basis of which the system should create variants. There can be a maximum of 2 (e.g. size "SIZE" and color "COLOR").
mandatory element for variants
PARAMVariable parameter identifier (e.g. COLOR).
The name of the parameter is not inserted here, but its ID. 
mandatory element
 Product images/variants.
The maximum number is 20 and images must be on a white background/no background, without logos, watermarks or stickers.
For more information on product appearance requirements, please see here.
It is not possible to insert a duplicate image (URL or content).
mandatory element
URLURL address of the image
It must be 200 characters or less, without accents or spaces. Maximum image size is 2MB and resolution is 2000px x 2000px. Minimum size 100KB.
If you change it, you must also edit the URL.
mandatory element
MAINVrednost true/false označuje, ali gre za glavno sliko. Samo en element MEDIA lahko vsebuje true.
mandatory element
The media also includes Energy label.
Be careful to use all the elements from the example, otherwise the whole product feed will be disabled.
Mandatory only for products for which energy labels are required for legislative reasons.
mandatory element
URLEnergy label URL
It must be 200 characters or less, without accents or spaces. Maximum image size is 2MB and resolution is 2000px x 2000px. Minimum size 100KB.
If you change it, you must also edit the URL.
mandatory element
MAINalways fill in the value FALSE
mandatory element
ENERGY_LABELalways fill in the value TRUE
mandatory element
INFORMATION_LISTalways fill in the value FALSE
mandatory element
The media also includes Information sheet.
Be careful to use all the elements from the example, otherwise the whole product feed will be disabled.
Mandatory only for products for which information sheets are required for legislative reasons.
mandatory element
URL URL of the information sheet
It must be 200 characters or less, without accents or spaces. Maximum image size is 2MB and resolution is 2000px x 2000px. Minimum size 100KB. If you change it, you must also edit the URL.
mandatory element
MAIN always fill in the value FALSE
mandatory element
ENERGY_LABEL always fill in the value FALSE
mandatory element
INFORMATION_LIST always fill in the value TRUE
optional element
 Indicates the promotional price of the product. For a more detailed description of the sale offer, please see here.
optional element
PRICESpecial price with VAT.
optional element
FROMPrice validity from (in format 2022-03-20T13:00:00)
optional element
TOPrice valid until (in format 2022-03-21T13:00:00)
optional element
 Dimensions of the product for delivery
When including DIMENSIONS in the feed, it is always necessary to include all elements of the dimension to load products correctly.
If you need to add, for example, just the weight dimension (for pricing transport by weight), enter 0 for the other dimensions.
optional element
WEIGHTWeight in kg
optional element
WIDTHWidth in cm
optional element
HEIGHTHeight in cm
optional element
LENGTHLength in cm
optional element
 Labels that can be used can be found here.
There is no limit to the number of labels on a product, but there must not be 2 of the same.
optional element
NAMELabel identifier
The basic labels FDEL (free shipping), NEW (new) and SALE (sale) can be used. Any other labels can be used only after prior consultation with your sales representative.
optional element
FROMLabel validity date from (2022-03-20T13:00:00)
optional element
TOLabel validity date until (2022-03-21T13:00:00)
mandatory element
 Indicates the number of full working days for delivery of the product.
The value must be an integer.
This information can also be set for the entire portfolio in the Delivery section in the MALL Partner Portal. The delivery delay setting on the product overrides the setting in transport. A value of 0 means that the data is taken from the transport settings. The values from the delivery delay on the transport and on the product or variant do not cumulate.

In case you have any further questions, you can contact us via Help Centre.

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