How to get started

1. Create a new voucher

Click on the button Create a product on the right side of the page Products. Fill in the required values marked with a red asterisk in the form displayed. Place all your vouchers in the category Vouchers for entrepreneurs. Always create vouchers as a universal payment with a value defined by you (you can create multiple vouchers in different values), which the customer can use for anything in your offer. Do not create your vouchers only for specific services or goods. When a customer buys a voucher, they are not buying a specific service, they are buying their future spend with you. What they then spend the voucher on with you, they choose on the spot.

It is up to you whether you offer your vouchers at the price of their value, i.e. "pay 500 CZK, spend 500 CZK", or whether you want to reach your customers more and offer them some extra benefits, e.g. "pay 400 CZK, spend 500 CZK".

Finally, don't forget to mark the product as active and set up free shipping with a delivery time of 0 days (since you will be sending vouchers by email).

2. Add parameters to vouchers

To help customers filter the voucher offer, please add the parameters in the "Parameters" step according to the offer.

3. Voucher image visible to customers

Upload a picture of your voucher. The image is visible on the website, so please observe the quality of the image. The first image should best represent what kind of business or type of business it is. Once you have uploaded your image, click on Featured Products and Save. You have now created your product and can start offering it on MALL.CZ.

4. Test view of the product

All your vouchers are in a state of DRAFT. These products are not visible to customers and are used for checking on the MALL.CZ website. To view the product you need to create a new test account under MALL.CZ. You can create an account on the ACCOUNT page in the MALL Portal. After creating this test account, go back to the product list and click on the little eye icon next to the product to view the created product.

5. Starting a voucher for sale

If you think that everything is correct for the product and you have confirmed everything from our side, you can change the product status to LIVE. Just click on the DRAFT status. The product must also be active to be displayed on the site.

It takes a few minutes to get to the web, so please wait a while to view it.

All vouchers are available at:

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