Multipricing - solutions for the same products from other partners

Manual Input, Heureka XML Feed, MALL XML Feed, Products - Setup and Management, API, Marketing and sales support

As our MALL Partner grows we are starting to encounter identical products from different vendors. The Multipricing project we recently launched solves this problem for us. How to work with multipricing and how to get involved can be found below.

How does Multipricing work on a product listing?

In the product listing on our MALL website, you can see merged offers from different sellers for one identical product, which will be displayed when you click on one product box. It is therefore not possible for a customer to see the same products side by side, but only one with a link to other offers.

Fig. 1: Example of displaying products included in multipricing in the product listing

How does multipricing work on product detail?

In the product details you can see a link to other offers that may be more advantageous for customers. For example: one retailer may offer a cheaper product but with a later delivery date. On the other hand, the product you are currently viewing may be slightly more expensive, but you can have it immediately.

Fig. 3: Example of multipricing menu in product detail

On what basis can products be merged?

At the moment it is possible to merge the same products by filling in EAN codes. If this code matches, a Multipricing will be created. So make sure you send EAN for all your products.

Which countries are seeing duplicate products?

At the moment it is only possible to merge products in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

We send EAN for the product, but we don't see Multipricing

The first reason may be sending a different EAN code for a product than the same item. So there is no match and the duplication remains on the site as it is now.
The second reason may be technical, where we need to import MALL Partner products into another system to run Multipricing. What happens gradually. So we expect that all matching EANs will be reflected on the MALL sites in the next months.

In case you have any further questions, you can contact us via Help Centre.

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