Symptom smallbox and bigbox is used to differentiate the size of individual products or packages in which the products will be shipped to the customer.

This flag is very important because it matches products with the transport type.

Your carriers may charge different prices depending on the size of the packages they carry. Based on the agreed terms, you can also set up shipping in the partner portal (smallbox/bigbox - determined by the partner).

With the exception of the outlets of Uloženka by WE|DO, there are no precise dimensions or weights to define which category a product falls into.

To distinguish whether a product is a "small" or "large" size package, the so-called package size tells us whether it is a smallbox or a bigbox. The package size must correspond to the underlying transport.

Storage by WE|DO - smallbox/bigbox

In order to use the drop-off points of Uloženka by WE|DO, the package must meet the size and weight limits set by the carrier Uloženka by WE|DO, see below:

  • Smallbox: shipment has a sum of three sides 170 cm (longest side max. 100 cm) and max. weight 20kg
  • Bigbox: shipments above the above dimensions

Only small-box shipping is available for partner sales.

Smallbox/bigbox transport settings

If you are using the API connection method, you will find the documentation on Deliveries.

When connecting via Heureka XML feed, the Smallbox flag is set by default for products. If you have larger products (marked with the Bigbox flag), you can use the Package control.

For other connections: for correct behaviour of the smallbox/bigbox product differentiation, you need to have the appropriate smallbox/bigbox transports set up in the MALL Partner Portal.

Carrier Type - Smallbox
Carrier type - Bigbox


  • If the product has the bigbox flag set and the partner does not also have bigbox shipping set up, the product cannot be ordered. The product can only be ordered after bigbox shipping has been added.
  • If the partner does not set the package size for the products, they are automatically treated as smallbox.

In case you have any further questions, you can contact us via Help Centre.

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